Partnerships and Sponsorships

Partnerskap och sponsring

Bild på Eleda Stadion

Vi ser oss som en ansvarstagande samhällsaktör med ett syfte att skapa ett välfungerande samhälle idag och för kommande generationer. Barnen är vår framtid och därför stödjer vi idag två organisationer som har barnen i fokus. Sedan 2019 är vi namnpartner till Eleda Stadion, vilket ger oss en möjlighet att stärka vårt varumärke.

In 2025, we are sponsoring the Zuccarello Foundation in Norway and BRIS in Sweden.

Since 2019, Eleda has been the naming partner of Malmö FF, and the football stadium in Malmö is therefore called Eleda Stadion.

Our focus

According to our sponsorship policy, Eleda’s sponsorship is national, based on our values, and has a clear connection to our prioritized sustainability goals. Our companies sponsor local initiatives and associations. The sponsorship we provide should be in the areas of sports, research/innovation/education, or charity/NGO.

Eleda does not sponsor: individuals, religious and politically affiliated organizations or events, organizations or events that conflict with our values or our Code of Conduct, or that are sponsored by other companies that conflict with these, or high-risk activities that may be perceived as unethical or activities that may generate badwill/negative associations.


For inquiries regarding sponsorship or collaborations of a local or regional nature, such as initiatives, clubs, associations, or organizations, please contact our companies located in the geographical area. For questions regarding national partnerships, please contact Eleda’s Head of Communications. However, for 2025, we are unable to initiate any new collaborations.