Quay 16 – innovative construction project in Lilla Bommen in Gothenburg

Bild på projektet Kaj 16

On behalf of Vasakronan, the Eleda company Mark & Energibyggarna is carrying out ground and foundation work in the Quay 16 project. With a focus on sustainability and innovation, the foundation is now laid for a modern property with a high environmental profile.

Concrete piles and aggregates from the dismantled property Kromet, which previously stood at the quayside in Lilla Bommen, will be repurposed in Quay 16. A solution that both reduces climate impact and contributes to sustainable construction.

Quay 16 is located on the quayside at the Hisingsbron abutment near the Göta River, which also means special conditions.

"The biggest challenge is the location of the project. The narrow work area and proximity to existing infrastructure and buildings require consideration, careful planning and coordination for us to work safely and efficiently. The area also has a subsidence problem that places demands on design and choice of foundation methods, which makes the project technically advanced," says Elin Sparredal, site manager at Mark & Energibyggarna.

Cooperation and high environmental standards

The project is run as a turnkey contract in close collaboration with Vasakronan. 

"Together, we have high sustainability requirements for the project with a focus on reuse, where the finished building will be Leed-certified at platinum level," says Elin.

Facts about Quay 16

Client: Vasakronan
Contract form: Collaboration, Phase 1 in ABK and Phase 2 in ABT.
Construction time: From 2022 to 2024
Architect: Dorte Mandrup

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