Our ESG work

We care about climate change and the environment, and actively work to reduce the environmental impact of our operations. We strive to reduce greenhouse gas emissions and the consumption of finite resources. Our operations and production must be sustainable over time. Products and services must be selected from a long-term sustainability perspective. The Eleda Group complies with the environmental legislation of the markets where we operate, and we always apply the precautionary principle.
We have developed the work with our environmental goals to better enable us to follow-up on implementation and compliance. As part of this effort, the Group decided that biannual data will be produced in May and December, respectively, in order to create a more continuous process for reporting and feedback.
What’s more, all employees must have the relevant skills to be able to perform their tasks in an environmentally sustainable manner. Each employee therefore has a personal responsibility to participate in the work of improving environmental adaptation and quality assurance in the business areas that he or she has the opportunity to influence.
For more information about how we work with environmental issues, see Eledagruppen’s environmental policy.
A significant part of Eleda’s energy consumption, and our GHG emissions, is related to the combustion of fossil fuels in connection with own transport/shipping, as well as purchased transport and electricity. Eleda’s initiative to systematically implement energy efficiency requires gradually lowering energy consumption and energy costs, as well as reducing carbon dioxide emissions. These agreed-upon environmental goals include following up on these efforts, and documenting our reduction in energy consumption, but also switching to more environmentally friendly types of energy. The Group’s total energy use and energy costs will also be closely monitored, measured and documented in the future. The goal is to reduce direct carbon dioxide emissions by at least 20 percent by the end of 2022, relative to sales calculated using 2018 as the base year. The emissions referred to are those caused by produced and purchased energy for own use, and our own transport. The indirect emissions from external transport, travel, purchased materials, product deliveries and waste management will be gradually addressed in the future.
Current sustainability report
HĂĄllbarhetsrapport 2022 [SV]
Previous sustainability reports