Triton sells its share in Eleda

Triton has, after a successful period in the Eleda Infra Services Group (Eleda), chosen to divest its ownership back to the other partners, operating in Eleda, and the largest owners Johan Halvardsson and Peter Condrup.

Eleda Infra Service Group has sales of around SEK 3 billion in 2019 and has about 800 employees, the company has its operations in southern and central Sweden with headquarters in Stockholm. Eleda is an expansive group focusing on civil engineering and construction services in infrastructure. The corporate culture is characterized by a strong entrepreneurial spirit and the companies work independently in complementary geographies with the aim of being a leading player in their respective regional markets. Eleda's regional companies have local roots and strong knowledge of that market in their geographical area.

During Triton's ownership period, Eleda Infra Services Group and its regional companies, Akeab, Mark & ​​Energibyggarna, KEWAB and Salboheds Bygg och Anläggningstjänst, had the opportunity to develop into one of the construction and infrastructure market's largest companies, it is under Triton's ownership that Eleda Infra Services Group has been built and developed into today's well-functioning platform for the provision of high quality infrastructure services. The transaction creates new opportunities for continued expansion and development, both organically and through relevant supplementary acquisitions.

Peter Condrup and Johan Halvardsson together with the other partners thank Triton for the time and cooperation that has been educational and created growth with strong progress and now looks forward to a new growth journey with their employees.

Eleda Infra Services Group has a turnover of SEK 3 billion in 2019 and has about 800 employees. The company has its operations in southern and central Sweden with headquarters in Stockholm. Eleda's regional companies have local roots and strong knowledge of the market in their geographical area.

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